Awesome and Luxurious Leather Furniture Collection by De Sede

New Leather Sofa Furniture

Latest Leather Furniture desedeDe Sede introduces several modern leather furniture collections. For example, you can see some new items below.

New Leather Sofa Furniture
This sleek and modern DS-60 sofa has roomy design for the seat area and offers the elegant form that suitable for both contemporary and classic decor space. This leather sofa designed by Guillaumier Gordon. Leather sofa with DS-80 type can be used as relaxed bed, logical and faithful to the classic design and will not lose the attractiveness.

Soft Leather Brown Sofa FurnitureFor the RH-304 type is red cantilever chair, where the design was made by Robert Haussmann, and it’s a Swiss icon, and proved to be popular item since fifty years ago, when used for seating in the conference room at the headquarters of UNESCO in Paris.