Replacing Your Seat Cushions For Cheap

Replacing-Your-Seat-Cushions-For-CheapIf your couch isn’t providing the same amount of support and comfort as it used to be, then it’s probably a good time to give it that much needed boost that it needs to bring it “back to life”. While this may seem expensive, you can easily make your sofa cushions as good as new just by simply replacing the filling. Here’s how you can go about this process.

The first thing you’re going to need to do is take off your old sofa foam cushion and remove the cover. If they’re machine-washable, you can toss it in your washer while you go through this process. Note that some of the foam batting may stick to the top and bottom of the cover so flip it inside out and remove it with a lint roller or even a heavy-duty roll of tape.

Next, check out your local retail store to find some quilt batting. You’ll probably need 3-4 bags depending on the size of your couch. Once your couch covers are completely dry, make sure that you take off the little white fluff that’s stuck around the surface.

Stuff the quilt batting inside the cover and wrap the inner cushion foam with it. Ensure that while you’re doing this, they are in equal layers, or else you’ll be stuck with little bumps throughout the seat. Stuff another layer of equal density for added support and close up your cover. You can add as much quilt batting as you see fit.

Bio: The Foam Factory carries the highest-quality foam products at competitive prices. If you’re looking for a new foam seat to replace that old, saggy one, then you’re in luck. Visit their online inventory today.

